In Minnesota and across the United States, an estimated 12.8 million Americans, about 6 percent of the household population aged twelve and older use illegal street drugs on a regular basis (within the past thirty days). You may be surprised to read that this number of "past-month" drug users has declined by almost 50% from the 1979 high of 25 million illegal street drug users. This decrease represents an extraordinary change in behavior.
Despite the dramatic drop, more than a third of all Americans twelve and older have tried illegal street drugs. Ninety percent of those who have used illegal drugs used marijuana or hashish. Approximately a third used cocaine or took a prescription type drug for nonmedical reasons. About a fifth used LSD. Fortunately, nearly sixty million Americans who used illicit street drugs during their youth stop using drugs once they enter into adulthood.
Many people in Minnesota believe that illegal street drugs and the various troubles they cause are not their problem. They have misconceptions that drug users belong to a segment of society different from their own or that drug abuse is remote from their environment. They are wrong. Almost three quarters of drug users are employed and approximately forty-five percent of Americans know someone with a substance abuse problem.
While illegal street drugs and their consequences threaten Minnesota families of every socio-economic background, geographic region, educational level, and ethnic and racial identity, the effects of drug use are often felt disproportionally. For example, many less fortunate neighborhoods are plagued by crime and violence because of the illegal street drugs sold in their black markets. People living in Minnesota who lack comprehensive health plans and have smaller incomes may be less able to afford Drug Rehab Centers to overcome drug dependence. What everyone living in Minnesota must understand is that nobody is immune to the consequences of drug use. Every family is vulnerable.
Across Minnesota, illegal street drugs are a serious problem. Included in this problem are stimulants, depressants and prescription drugs that are taken and sold illegally. The specific effects vary depending on the drug. Most drugs have an addictive effect after only a few uses. Even marijuana can become emotionally addicting. For many taking illegal street drugs, it can interfere with their relationships, health, academics, career, etc.
It is often hard to tell if someone you care about is taking part in illegal street drug abuse. Each drug has its own signs of use and abuse. Drugs can numb the user's memory, impair their judgment, and make it impossible for the user to feel good or function without them. Even drugs like marijuana and cocaine which are not physically addictive (meaning that the user's body needs the drug in order to function), can make the user emotionally dependent. Once a person become used to the "feelings" they get from marijuana, cocaine or other illegal street drugs, they will find it harder and harder to cope with normal everyday ups and downs.
Today, there are a variety of Drug Rehabs for illegal street drugs available in Minnesota. The differences between the Drug Rehabilitation Facilities can sometimes be great, though they are all attempting to achieve the same outcome. The goal of any Drug Treatment Program is to help the individual achieve a drug free life and return them to being a productive member of society.
How does one know which Drug Treatment Center option is right for them? This is one of the questions that lays hard on the heart of a person searching for the right Minnesota Drug Rehabilitation Facility for illegal street drugs. The ultimate objective of drug addiction treatment is to enable an individual to achieve lasting abstinence, but the immediate objectives are to reduce illegal street drug abuse, improve the recovering addict's ability to function, and minimize the medical and social complications of drug abuse and addiction.
While learning how to live life without illegal street drugs is an important step in the recovery process, it is only the beginning. Once sober, the brain needs time to recover and rebuild connections that have changed while addicted. During this period, depression and cravings to use can be intense and are often very hard to fight. Without support, relapse is very likely. Attending a quality Drug Rehab in Minnesota will help the recovering person develop new coping skills to deal with stressful situations and other common triggers for relapse. Without these skills, stressful situations frequently result in relapse.
Most people attempt to do their best and make the most of the experience when they are in a Drug Rehabilitation Facility. Relapse commonly occurs when a person leaves a Drug Rehabilitation Facility without aspects of their life or other problems being fully handled. It is critical to find a Drug Rehab that addresses all aspects of addiction from detox to learning life skills.
When considering a Drug Treatment Center in Minnesota, remember that everyone's needs are different. In general, the longer and more intense the illegal street drug use, the longer and more intense the treatment one may need. Regardless of a program's length in weeks or months, follow-through and long-term follow-up care are crucial to recovery. A quality Drug Rehab should address the fact that substance abuse often masks emotional pain and it needs to be addressed as treatment progresses.
An overview of the different types of Drug Rehab Programs for illegal street drugs in Minnesota: